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Prof.(Dr)Baharul Islam has joined the University School of Law and Research (USLR), USTM as an Associate Professor in February, 2021. Prior to join here he served in the teaching position as an Associate Professor in the School of Law and Juridical Sciences, Apex Professional University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh for three and half years and he also served as Head of the School of Law and Juridical Sciences for three and half years; and Head-Academic, Planning & Monitoring Section for two and half years. Earlier he had served in the teaching position as an Assistant Professor in the Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University for more than eight and half years and Warden of PNGBCN hostel of Dibrugarh University for more than six years. He was engaged in teaching the subjects like Company Law, Banking Law, Insurance Law and Law of Contract apart from honours papers of Business Law Group in both LL.M. and B.A.LL.B. (Honours) courses. He has also experienced in Examination works like paper setter, moderator, Officer In-charge, Zonal Officer, Examiner, Scrutinizer and External Examiner of Practical Paper and carried out more than 300 tabulation work in Dibrugarh University. He guided 7 numbers of students for the preparation of LL.M. Dissertation and also served as Lecturer in B.R.M. Govt. Law College, Guwahati-the only Government Law College in the State of Assam. He completed B.S.L.LL.B. from ILS Law College, Pune and LL.M. with specialisation in Business Law from the Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, Maharashtra. He qualified the UGC-NET in the subject of Law. He completed his Ph.D. under the Guidance of Prof. (Dr.) Stuti Deka, Faculty of Law, Gauhati University. His broad research area was “A juridical study of freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse under the Constitution of India with the object of removing economic imbalance.”He has attended and presented research papers in various International and National Seminars, Conferences and has publications in International and National journals. He participated in various programmes as a Resource Person. He has also successfully attended UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Law.
At present he is also serving as Dean, University School of Law and Research. He is actively associated with various social activities and also members of many social institutions.
Experience as to Academic Contributions:
1. Chairperson, Examination Management Committee, Apex Professional University since May 7, 2019 to January 30, 2021.
2. Chairperson, of Board of Studies-School of Law and Juridical Sciences, Apex Professional University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh since 10th August 2017 to January 30, 2021.
3. Member, Academic Senate, Apex Professional University since September 11, 2017 to January 30, 2021.
4. Member, Board of Management, Apex Professional University since January 4, 2018 to January 30, 2021.
5. Chairperson, APU Student Welfare Council since 22nd February, 2019 to January 30, 2021.
6. Chairperson, Student Grievance Redressal Committee, Apex Professional University since January 17, 2018 to January 30, 2021.
7. Research Supervisor, for 3 numbers of Ph.D. Research Scholar since 3rd December, 2018 at Apex Professional University
8. Research Supervisor, a total 7 number of LLM students prepared dissertation under my guidance (6 in the Centre for Juridical Sciences, Dibrugarh University & 1 in Apex Professional University).
Moot Court Judge:
(i) Participated as a Judge in the “SIXTH PROF. N. R. MADHAVA MENON SAARCLAW MOOTING COMPETITION 2020-21” (INDIA ROUND) organized by Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida in association with Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training (MILAT) & Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) from 6th to 8th November, 2020.
(ii) Participated as a Judge in the “SIXTH PROF. N. R. MADHAVA MENON SOUTH ASIAN MOOTING COMPETITION, LAW STUDENTS CONFERENCE & COLLOQUIUM 2020-21 SOUTH ASIAN ROUND” organized by Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida in association with Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training (MILAT) from 19th to 20th March, 2021. Editor, Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2011, Vol.-III No. 3, Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, ISSN – 0976-1543.
Research Publications:
1. Right to Education in India: An Assessment, Excellence International Journal of Education and Research, A peer Reviewed and Refereed International Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 6, 2020, ISSN 2349-8838, page no. 131-135.
2. Participation of Women in Agriculture of Assam: An Assessment, The Growth-An Annual Bi-lingual Journal, Vol. 6, 2019, Department of Economics, Cinnamara College, Jorhat, Assam, Edited by Mr. Ranju Kr. Bharali& Mr. Apurba Kr. Gogoi, ISSN-2348-9618, page 5-11.
3. Economic Empowerment of Women in India: An Assessment, Erudition-International Book of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol. II, Issue II, Edited by Dr. Rupa Rani Sonowal& Dr. Safiqur Rahman, Published by United Education Foundation, Guwahati, 2019, ISBN-978-93-5391-186-7, page 76-86.
4. Freedom of Trade under the Constitution of Australia and India: A Comparative Study,Dibrugarh University Law Journal (A Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal) An Annual Publication, 2016,Vol.-III No.3, ISSN- 2348-6597, Page No. 47-61.
5. Hope, Life and Reality-A Theoretical Analysis into the Unsolicited Truth Behind Live-in Relationships, Journal of Social Science Research (a Peer Reviewed National Journal), Silapathar College, Dhemaji, 2016, Vol. 2, ISSN 2454-2636, P-61-68.
6. Law on DNA Test and Human Dignity; A Legal Confliction in India, International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science, ISSN 2322-0899, Volume 3 , Issue 3 (II): July – September 2015,Page No.51-57, Impact Factor-1.142.
7. AFSPA- A Threat to Right to Life,International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science, ISSN 2322-0899, Vol.3, Issue 2(III), April-June 2015, Page No.161-166.Impact Factor-1.142.
8. A Critical Analysis on Entry Tax: A Barrier on Free Trade in India, International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science, ISSN 2322-0899, Vol.3, Issue 2(I), April-June 2015, Page No.104-107. Impact Factor-1.142.
9. E-Contracts and its Legality for Re-engineering of Business Process: A Socio-Legal Study, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, ISSN 2394-7780, Vol.2, Issue 2(I), April-June 2015, Page No.19-28.
10. Constitutional Powers of the Indian States on Octroi Duty: A Critical Analysis, Dibrugarh University Law Journal (A Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal) An Annual Publication, 2014,Vol.-II No.2, ISSN- 2348-6597, Page No.115-121.
11. Reservation in Private Schools; A critical analysis with reference to Corporate Social Responsibility of Private Schools in India, Dibrugarh University Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2013,Vol.-I No.1, ISSN- 2348-6597, Page No-121- 129.
12. A Critical Evaluation of The Constitution (115th Amendment) Bill, 2011: with special reference to “Option for the Centre and State GSTs, Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2012, Vol.-IV No. 4, Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, ISSN – 0976-1543, Page No. 133-145.
13. Gender Equality under Islamic Law: with special reference to equality of witnesses and inheritance,Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2011,Vol.-III No. 3, Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, ISSN – 0976-1543, Page No. 37-43.
14. Section 494 of IPC Vs. Islamic Law –A comparative study with reference to polygamy, Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2010, Vol.-II No.2, Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, ISSN – 0976-1543, Page No. 99-116.
15. Freedom of Trade under Article 301 of the Constitution of India: with Special Reference to Atiabari Case, Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2009, Vol.-I No. 1,Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, ISSN – 0976-1543, Page No. 107-114.
16. Right to Free Legal Aid-Constitutional Provisions and Judicial Response in India; An Assessment” in the research book on “Human Rights & Gender Justice,” Volume-1, November, 2019, bearing ISBN No. 978-93-89694-03-01, edited by Dr. AbulFoyes Md. Malik and published by DigboiMahilaMahavidyalaya, Digboi, Assam, page no. 25-32.
17. A Critical Analysis on the Children’s Right to Food with Special Reference to Mid Day Meal Scheme in Assam, in the research book on “Child Rights in India: Issues and Challenges,” Volume-1, June, 2019, bearing ISBN No. 978-93-84146-40-5, edited by Dr. AbulFoyes Md. Malik and published by DigboiMahilaMahavidyalaya, Digboi, Assam, page no. 10-17.
18. Validity of Triple Talaq: An Analysis, in the research book on “Rights of Women in Islam” November, 2017, bearing ISBN No. 978-93-84679-94-1, Edited by Dr. AzizulHoque and published by Rupahi College, Nagaon, Assam, page no. 88-96.
19. Judicial Activism and Women Empowerment in India, in the research book on “Women Empowerment & Changing Scenario of Women Education in North-East India” August, 2017, bearing ISBN No. 978-93-84679-76-7, Edited by Md. Anwar Siddique and published by Rupahi College, Nagaon, Assam, page no. 15-23.
20. Media Freedom, Ethics and its Impact on Society, in the research book on “Media Law & Ethics: North East Indian Perspective” 2017, bearing ISBN No. 978-81-9707756-2-5, Edited by ZakirAlam, and published by Kamakhya Publishing House, Guwahati, page 12-23.
21. Implication of Social Media v/s Right of Privacy: An Analysis,in the research book on “Media Law & Ethics: North East Indian Perspective” 2017, bearing ISBN No. 978-81-9707756-2-5, Edited by ZakirAlam, and published by Kamakhya Publishing House, Guwahati, page 78-89.
22. E-Banking for Re-engineering of Business Process: A socio-Legal Study” in the book of Information Technology and its Impact in Business” 2015, bearing ISBN NO. 978-93-5235-674-4, Edited by Dr. S.J. Mahanta and Dr. M.K. Dutta, and published by Sibsagar Commerce College, Sivasagar, Assam, 2015, page-36-41.
Seminar Paper Presentation:
1. Presented paper on “A Critical Analysis on Right to Health; Constitutional Provisions & Judicial Response in India” in “National E-Conference on Public Health Law in India: Need of the Hour” organized by Parul Institute of Law, Faculty of Law, Parul University in collaboration with Centre of Research for Development on Sunday, September 27, 2020 at Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat.
2. Participated and presented a paper on “A Critical Analysis on Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism in Legal Research” in the National Seminar on “ Intellectual Property Law” organized by Bishnu Ram Medhi Govt. Law College, on 12th& 13th February, 2020.
3. Participated and presented a paper on “Participation of Women in Politics and their empowerment in India: An Assessment” in the National Seminar on “Women in Indian Literature and Society: Different Scopes of Study” organized by Department of Hindi, Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam on 28th&29thSeptember, 2019.
4. Participated and presented a paper on “Right to Free Legal Aid-Constitutional Provisions and Judicial Response in India; An Assessment” in the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “ Human Rights & Gender Justice: Issues, Perspective and Challenges” organized by Department Bengali, DigboiMahilaMahavidyalaya on 31st August and 1st September, 2019.
5. Participated and presented a paper on “A Juridical Study on E-Waste Management in India” in the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “Environmental Dimension in the Context of Human Rights for Stability and Sustainability of the Civilization” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Dr. R.K.B. Law College, Dibrugarh, Assam, on 7th and 8th June, 2019.
6. Participated and presented a paper on “A Critical Analysis on the Children’s Rights on Food with special Reference to Mid-Day Meal in Assam” in the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “Child Rights in India Issues and Challenges” organized by Department Bengali, DigboiMahilaMahavidyalaya on 23rd and 24th January, 2019.
7. Participated and presented a paper on “Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights”, in the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “Indigenous Knowledge: Special Focus on the Tribes and Communities of North East India”, organized by Department of Anthropology, N. B. City College, Dibrugarh on 27th& 28th April, 2018.
8. Participated and presented a paper on“Validity of Triple Talaq”, in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Rights of Women in Islam”, organized by Department of Arabic, Rupahi College, Nagaon on 9th& 10th October, 2017.
9. Participated and presented a paper on “Judicial Activism and Women Empowerment in India”, in the National Seminar on “Women Empowerment and Changing Scenario of Women Education in North East India”, organized by the Rupahi College, Nagaon on 28th& 29th June, 2017.
10. Participated and presented a paper on “Towards a Dignified and Healthy Living-A Socio-Juridical Study into the National Food Security Act, 2013 ”, in the National Seminar on “Food Security in India-Issues and Challenges”, organized by the J.B. College, Jorhat on 30th September & 1st October, 2016.
11. Participated and presented a paper on “Changing Implication of Motherhood in India: A Socio-Legal Study into the Maternity (Amendment) Bill, 2016”, in the National Seminar on “Changing Role of Indian Women in the Contemporary Society: Issues and Perspective”, organized by the J.B. College, Jorhat on 15th& 16th September, 2016.
12. Participated and presented a paper on “A Socio-Juridical study on the Human Rights of the Transgender Community of India” in the National Seminar on “Human Rights in the 21st Century” organized by the Nowgong Girls’ College, Nagaon on 20th June, 2016.
13. Participated and presented a paper on “A juridical study of the National Food Security Act, 2013 with the object of bridging the gap between poverty and nutrition” in the National Seminar held on “Poverty, Inequality and Economic Development in India” (Under UGC SAP DRS – III) organized by Department of Economics, Dibrugarh University, on 29th March 2016.
14. Participated and presented a paper on “E-Banking for Re-engineering of Business Process: A socio-Legal Study”,in the National Seminar held on “Information Technology and its Impact in Business” at Sibsagar Commerce College, Sivasagar, Assam, on 7th& 8th August, 2015.
15. Participated and presented a paper on “E-Contracts and its Legality for Re-engineering of Business Process: A Socio-Legal Study”,in the International Conference on Current Researches in Management, Technology and Social Sciences organized by Indian Academicians and Researchers Association held on 26th March, 2015.
16. Participated and presented a paper on “Implementation of 25% Reservation on Private Schools- A Critical Study with Special Reference to Corporate Social Responsibility of Private School in India”, in the International Seminar & 27th Annual Conference of Council for Teacher Education (CTE), India on ‘Inclusion of Qualitative Expansion in Education – Issues and Challenges’ held from 7th to 9th February,2013 organised by the Department of Education, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh in collaboration with CTE Assam Chapter.
17. Participated and presented a paper on “The Armed Forces Special Power Act, 1958 and the status of the people of North East India”, in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Status of the Life of the People of the North Eastern Region in the beginning of the Twenty First Century” organized by Department of Political Science,C.K.B. College, Teok in collaboration with Teok Junior College, Teok, held on 6th& 7th September, 2010.
18. Participated a National Seminar on- “ Issues of Gender Peace and Conflict in North East India” organized by Department of Political Science, Dibrugarh University held on 25th& 26th February, 2010.
19. Participated a National Seminar on- “Strategies for knowledge and Skill development in the present Educational system: North East perspective” organized by Dibru College, on 22nd& 23rdJanuary, 2010.
20. Participated a National Seminar organized by the Department of Economics, Dibrugarh University on- “Work Participation of Tribal Women in North East India” on 4th March, 2009.
Resource Person:
1. Participated as a Resource Person in the National Seminar on “Intellectual Property Law” organized by Bishnu Ram Medhi Govt. Law College, on 12th& 13th February, 2020.
2. Participated as a Resource Person in the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on “Environmental Dimension in the Context of Human Rights for Stability and Sustainability of the Civilization” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Dr. R.K.B. Law College, Dibrugarh, Assam, on 7th and 8th June, 2019.
3. Participated as a Resource Person and delivered a talk on “Role of the Supreme Court of India in Safeguarding Human Rights” organized by Silapathar College, Silapathar, Assam, on 14th February, 2017.
4. Participated as a Resource Person in the Faculty Development Programme, organized by Apex Professional University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, on 02-12-2015.
5. Participated as a Resource Person in the Training Programme held for the legal Aid Counsel on 18th, 19th, 20th,26th, and 27th of April, 2014 at the Training Hall of the Deputy Commissioner’s Office Complex, Dibrugarh, organized by the District Legal Services Authority, Dibrugarh, Assam.
Participation in Refresher Course/Faculty Development Program:
1. Participated in the Refresher Course in Law at UGC-Academic Staff College, Gauhati University from 9thJuly to 29th July, 2012 and Secured Grade A.
2. Participated in a Two Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “ICT Tools for Teaching, Learning Process and Institute” jointly organized by Electronics and ICT Academies held from 10th- 21st August, 2020 under the “Scheme of financial assistance for setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies” of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India.
3. Participated One Week Online Faculty Development Program, organized by Glocal Law School, Glocal University, Saharanpur, U.P., held from 3rd – 9th November, 2020.
Workshop/Training Programme Participation:
1. Participated One-day Awareness Generation Programme on Human Rights Issues, Sponsored by National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi, organized jointly by Centre for Juridical Studies and Department of Political Science, Dibrugarh University, on 23rd March, 2017.
2. Participated two days National Workshop on Research Paper and Project Proposal Writing, Organised by Dibrugarh University Research Scholars’ Association (DURSA) in Dibrugarh University, Assam, on October 24th and 25th , 2016.
3. Participated One Day Workshop cum Awareness Programme on Human Rights, jointly organized by Assam Human Rights Commission & Dr. R.K.B. Law College on 1st October, 2016.
4. Participated in the Seven Days National Workshop on “Feminist Research Methodology” organized by the Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, from the 29rd to 4th September, 2016.
5. Participated in the Seven Days National Workshop on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences” organized by the Department of Sociology, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, from the 23rd to 29th May, 2016.
6. Participated a National Workshop on “Human Rights: A North-East Perspective” organized by the Centre for Juridical Studies in Collaboration with Department of Political Science, Dibrugarh University and sponsored by UGC, from 12th to 17th March, 2016.
7. Participated in the One Day Training Programme on “Women Prisoners and Their Rights in India” held on 27.02.2015, organized by Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh.
8. Participated a UGC Sponsored National Level Workshop on “Human Rights and Duties” organized by the Department of Political Science, Dibrugarh University, from 10th to 12th May, 2014.
9. articipated a One day Workshop on “Moot Court Preparation” organized by the Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University on 22nd February, 2014.
Seminar Organised:
1. National Webinar on “Covid-19 Crisis and the Law” organized by School of Law and Juridical Sciences, Apex Professional University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, on 3rd June, 2020.
2. International e-Conference on “ Right to Health, the Legal and Ethical Issues” organized by School of Law and Juridical Sciences, Apex Professional University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, on 27th June, 2020.
3. National Webinar on “Evolution of Constitutional Republic in India” organized by School of Law and Juridical Sciences, Apex Professional University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, on 26th November, 2020.
4. A State Level Seminar on “Administration of Justice”, organized by School of Law and Juridical Sciences, Apex Professional University in Collaboration with District Administration & District Judiciary, East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh on 13thMarch, 2020.
5. A national seminar on “The Human Rights Prospects and Challenges” organized by the School of Law and Juridical Sciences, Apex Professional University, Pasighat Arunachal Pradesh on 18th October, 2019.
6. National Commission for Women Sponsored “A Nationwide Competition on Legal Rights of Women” conducted by the School of Law and Juridical Sciences, Apex Professional University, Pasighat Arunachal Pradesh on 20th November, 2018.
Participation in International/National Webinar
1. Participated in the Webinar on “Biodiversity Conservaion of NE with Special Reference to Endangered Species Conservation” organized by Department of Zoology, Pragjyotish College on 5th June, 2020.
2. Participated National Webinar on “Women Issues and Challenges During Covid-19 Pandemic: Prospective Measures” organized by IQAC, Barnagar College, Sorbhog, Assam on 27th June, 2020.
3. Participated National Webinar on “Animal Welfare: Socio-Lehgal Aspects” organized by ICFAI Law School, ICFAI University, Dehradun on 11th July, 2020.
4. Participated Webinar on “Assessing Human Rights Protection amid Covid-19 and beyond” organized by Centre for Post Graduate Legal Studies, Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai on 25th July, 2020.
5. Participated National Web-Seminar on “Liberty & Human Dignity as Human Right Postulates: Issues & Perspectives” organized by IQAC, Ch. BalluramGodara Govt. Girls College, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan on 20th August, 2020.
6. Participated National Webinar on “Labour Law Reforms in India in Post Covid-19 Era” organized by Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow on 22nd August, 2020.
7. Participated International Webinar on “Right To Liberty & Duty To The Community During Covid-19 Pandemic” organized by ICFAI Law School, The ICFAI University, Dehradun on 24th August, 2020.
8. Participated National Webinar on “Constitutionalism and Transformative Constitutionalism” Department of Law, Gauhati University on 17th September, 2020.
9. Participated National Webinar on “National Education Policy 2020: With Special Reference to Legal Education” organized by University School of Law, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad on 24th October, 2020.
10. Participated Live Workshop on “Copyright in India” organized by Turnip Innovations on 20th November, 2020.
11. Participated National Webinar on “Emerging Trends of Human Rights” organized by Department of Political Science, Doomdooma College in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Doomdooma College; Golaghat Law College and Charaideo District Legal Services Authority on 10th December, 2020.
12. Participated International Webinar on “Rule of Law and Access to Justice in the Age of Uncertainty” Organized by ICFAI Law School, The ICFAI University, Dehradun on 12th December, 2020.
1. Member, Editorial Board Dibrugarh University Law Journal (A Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal) An Annual Publication, 2014,Vol.-II No.2, ISSN- 2348-6597
2. Member, Editorial Board, Dibrugarh University Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2013, Vol.-I No.1, Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, ISSN – 2348-6597.
3. Assistant Editor, Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2012, Vol.-IV No. 4, Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, ISSN – 0976-1543.
4. Editor, Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2011, Vol.-III No. 3, Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, ISSN – 0976-1543.
5. Member, Editorial Board, Law Journal, An Annual Publication, 2009, Vol.-I No. 1, Centre for Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh University, ISSN – 0976-1543.
Other Academic activities:
1. Draft the syllabus of B.A.LL.B./LL.B./ 2 Year LL.M./ 1Year LL.M./Post Graduate Diploma in 8 numbers of Subject, 1 Year Certificate Course in 8 numbers of Subject and Regulation of 2 year LL.M. Course for the Apex Professional University, Pasighat.
2. Organising Member of 24th National Children’s Science Congress, 2016, held at DU, during 13th to 16th October, 2016.
3. Participated in the Invitational Inter University Badminton Tournament, 2014 held on 2nd to 4th May, 2014 at Tezpur University, organized by Tezpur University, Assam as a Manager of Dibrugarh University Team.
4. Actively Participated in drafting Syllabus and Regulation of B.A.LL.B.(Hons), B.B.A.LL.B.(Hons) and B.Com.LL.B.(Hons) for the session 2009-2010 of Dibrugarh University.
5. Actively Participated in re-drafting Syllabus and Regulation of B.A.LL.B.(Hons), B.B.A.LL.B.(Hons), B.Com.LL.B.(Hons) and 3years LL.B.(Hons) for the session 2013-2014 of Dibrugarh University.
Zonal Officer for Examinations:
1. Zonal Officerfor the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, Semester B.A./BB.A./B.Com.LL.B.(H)Examinations, 2016, held in December, 2016, Ref. No. DU/Ex/Zone/BA/BBA/B.Com/LL.B.(H)/2016/10553 dated 21-11-2016.
2. Assistant Zonal Officerfor the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, Semester B.A./BB.A./B.Com.LL.B.(H)Examinations, 2015, Ref. No. DU/Ex/CE/BA/BBA/B.Com/LL.B./AZO/2015/9643 dated 04-12-2015.
3. Assistant Zonal Officer for the B.A./B.Com./B.B.A. LL.B.(H) Compartmental Examination, 2014, Ref. No. DU/Ex/BA-B.COM-BBA/LLB/Comp/ZC./2014/25375 dated-21-10-2014.
4. Assistant Zonal Officer for the 2nd, 4th, 6th& 8th Semester (B.A.,B.B.A.,B.Com.) LL.B. (Honours) and 8th& 10th Semester B.A.LL.B (Regular/Backlog) Examination, June, 2013, Ref. No. DU/Ex/CE/BALLB/AZO/2013/7976, dated-05-07-2013.
5. Zonal Officer for the 2nd, 4th, & 6th Semester LL.B.(New) Regular/Backlog Examinations, June/July, 2013. Ref. No. DU/Ex/Zone/LL.B./2013/5853, dated-06-06-2013.
6. Zonal Officer for the 2nd, 4th, & 6th Semester LL.B.(New) and 4th, 5th& 6th Semester LL.B.(old) Examinations, July, 2012. Ref. No. DU/Ex/Zone/LL.B./2012/6132, dated-07-06-2012.
7. Assistant Zonal Officer for the 6th, 8th, & 10th Semester B.A., LL.B.(Regular & Backlog) Examination,June,2011, Ref. No. DU/Ex/CE/BALLB/AZO/2012/5678, dated-22-05-2012.
8. Zonal Officer for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th,5th,& 6th Semester LL.B. (Regular & Backlog) Examination, July, 2011, Ref. No. DU/Ex/Zone/LL.B./2011/7573, dated-15-07-2011.
9. Assistant Zonal Officer for the 1st& 3rd Semester B.A., LL.B.(Regular & Backlog) Examination, 2010 held during February, 2011 Ref. No. DU/Ex/Zone/BALLB/10/1517, dated-11-02-2011.
Officer-in-Charge for Examinations:
1. Officer-in-Chargefor the 4th Semester BA/BBA/B.Com.LL.B.(H) Environmental Studies Examination held in June, 2016, Ref. No. DU/Ex/CE/OC/4TH sem./BA/BBA/B.Com.LL.B.(H)/ENV/2016/4409 Dated -03-05-2016.
2. Officer-in-Charge for the 1st,3rd,5th,7th, & 9th Semester B.A.,LL.B (H-C) Semester Examination, May/June 2013.Ref.No. DU/EX/CE/OC/13/04, dated-24-05-2013.
3. Assistant Officer-in-Charge for the 2nd semester (B.A./B.B.A./B.Com.)LL.B(H) Compartmental, 4&6th Semester B.A.,LL.B. (H)(C) and 8&10th Semester B.A.,LL.B.(C) Examinations Nov-2012, Ref. No.DU/EX/CE/12/696-699, dated- 19-10-2012.
4. Assistant Officer-in-Charge for the B.A., LL.B. and B.A.LL.B.(Hons) August,2011. Ref. No. DU/Ex/CE/BALLB/AOC/2011/8564, dated-12-08-2011.