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Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure

General Guidelines of Admission:

  1. Candidates are required to read the prospectus carefully before filling in the Application Form for Admission. The Prospectus provides general information and is subject to the provisions of the Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, and relevant Resolutions of the Academic Council/ Executive Council.
  2. In general, for PG and UG Courses candidates having minimum marks as mentioned in the prospectus will be considered for admission on a merit basis i.e. based on a percentage of qualifying degree marks/grade.
  3. However, entrance will be conducted for MBA (Exempted for any CAT, MAT, XMAT, etc. qualified candidates), B.Pharm, D.Pharm, and BA ( Administration & Governance). Merit list may be prepared based on Entrance Test (25% weightage), the result of qualifying Examination (50% weightage), and Interview (25% Marks).
  4. For admission in the Ph.D. program candidates having minimum qualifying marks must clear the Entrance Test and Interview.
  5. The applicant desiring for applying in more than one programme shall submit his/her preference in the same application form.
  6. The candidates who have appeared in the qualifying examination but whose results have not been declared may also apply for admission. But they have to submit their results before admission. Such candidates may take provisional admission subject to submit their final pass mask sheet with the required minimum percentage of marks on or before 30th September. Failing of which admission will be cancelled and no damage claim will be entertained.


How to obtain Application Forms

  1. Candidates seeking admission to any Diploma, UG, PG, and Ph.D. programme at University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya during the academic session 2025-2026 may obtain the prescribed Application Form along with the Prospectus from the University Counter at USTM, Meghalaya; Techno City, USTM, Kling Road, Baridua, 9th Mile, Meghalaya on cash payment of Rs 1000/-( Rs 1500/- for MBA).
  2. The application form may also be downloaded from the USTM’s website www.ustm.ac.in and submitted along with the prescribed fee as mentioned above. In such a case the prospectus can be collected during the submission of the form.
  3. The Application Form and Prospectus may also be obtained through post by sending crossed Demand Draft of an amount of Rs. 1075/- for PG and UG Programme (Rs 1575/ for MBA and Rs 2075/ for Ph.D.) drawn in favour of the “University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya” payable at Guwahati along with a self-addressed envelope of 30×25 c.m. size affixing postage stamps worth Rs.150/- clearly indicating the name of the course for which the Application Form is required. The request for sending a set of Application Form and prospectus should be addressed to the Registrar, University of Science & Technology, Techno City, Killing Road, Baridua, Meghalaya, 793 101. Payment of fee by Cheque/ IPO/ MO shall not be accepted.
  4. The cost of Prospectus along with the Application Form for each course includes the Entrance Test Fee where necessary. No other fee is required to be submitted at the time of submission of the Application Form.


Submission of Application Form for UG and PG Programme:

(i) Online application may be submitted by visiting University Website www.ustm.ac.in by following the Apply Online link. Through the page connect with entranceform.com an applicant can submit the complete application form in different steps. The prescribed application fee of Rs. 1000/ (For MBA Rs.1500/- and Ph.D. Rs.2000/-) may be paid through Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card.
(ii) Prescribed application form for Diploma, UG, PG, and Ph.D. programme that obtained by paying a necessary fee and completed application in all respects shall be submitted either in person or by post, to the office of the Registrar on or before the last date of submission of the application form. Admission forms will be accepted in the office between 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. on all working days.
(iii) The Application Fee is non-refundable and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
(iv) Three recent (passport size) colored photographs duly self-attested should be affixed on the application form. Application forms with different photographs are liable to be rejected. These photographs are to be pasted with gum and should not be stapled or pinned. Photocopies of photographs are not acceptable.
(v) Candidates are required to fill up the application form in his/her own handwriting. If a candidate submits more than one application form for the same course, his/ her candidature is liable to be rejected.
(vi) Application Form must be filled in and duly signed by the applicant.
(vii) Incomplete application form (s) shall be summarily rejected.
(viii) The last dates for acceptance of the application form for each of the courses will be notified from time to time.
(ix) It must be noted that Application Forms will also be accepted by Mail/ Courier at the Office of the Registrar up to the last date of acceptance of forms, as specified in the Admission Schedule. Any form received by any means says Registered Post, Speed Post, or by Courier Services, after the last date, as specified in the Admission Schedule shall be rejected.

Submission of Application Forms for Ph.D. programme:

Application form along with the general guidelines for admission to Ph. D. Programme may be downloaded from USTM’s website at www.ustm.ac.in. The duly filled up application form along with a demand draft of Rs. 2000/- drawn in favor of USTM is to be submitted in the office of the Registrar, USTM.

Online application may be submitted by visiting University Website www.ustm.ac.in followed by Apply Online link. The page connects with entranceform.com where the applicant can submit the complete application form in different steps. The prescribed application fee of Rs.2000/ (Rupees two thousand only) may be paid through Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, and crossed DD.


  • The mark sheets/certificate are in accordance with the eligibility requirements for admission as mentioned in the prospectus.
  • Proof of age based on the certificate of High School /Secondary School or an equivalent examination.
  • Character Certificate from the institution last attended.
  • Experience Certificate for candidates if any.
  • Proof of entitlement for reserved category issued by the competent authority.
  • No objection Certificate from the present employer if any.
  • In case an intervening period/gap is involved an affidavit from Notary Public for the entire intervening period/gap showing the candidate’s pre-occupation and non-indulgence in any criminal activities after leaving the Institution last attended will be required.
  • Proof of permanent address as declared in the Application Form.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to ensure his/her eligibility before applying for admission to a particular programme. No claim of any sort in this matter shall be entertained.
  • Applicants are advised to read all the instructions given in the Prospectus carefully before filling up the Application Form.

Selection Procedure :

For Diploma, UG, and PG programmes: Admission will be based on Merit (percentage secured in last qualifying examination) and Personal Interview.

For MBA Programme: Admission will be based on a written test (USTM-CAT) followed by a personal interview (PI) and Group discussion (GD). Candidates having valid scorecards of CAT/MAT/XMAT etc will be exempted from USTM-CAT and such candidates may directly appear for PI and GD. The final merit list for admission in MBA will be prepared considering the percentage of marks in the qualifying examination, score of USTM-CAT/MAT/CAT/XMAT, and marks obtained in PI and GD.
For B.Ed, B.Pharm, D.Pharm, BPT, BA LLB, BBA LLB Programme: Admission will be based on the entrance test followed by a personal interview (PI).
For Ph.D. Program: Admission will be based on Written Test followed by a Personal Interview/ Presentation.


1. List of selected candidates shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the School/ Department/ Centre concerned as well as on USTM’s website. No intimation to the selected candidates will be sent by post. The candidates shall be required to get their admission completed by the date given in the schedule.
2. Admission will be allowed only after due verification of all original documents by the verifying officer of the university.
3. All the candidates are required to submit Transfer Certificate / Migration Certificate in original within 60 days from the date of admission, failing which the admission of the student is liable to be cancelled.
4. The candidate shall take admission on payment of the prescribed admission fee as given in the Fee Structure in the accounts section of the university.
5. If the candidate fails to complete the admission formalities by the prescribed date, he/she will automatically forfeit his/her right of admission.
6. Admission of a candidate may be cancelled at any time, if any information furnished by the candidate at the time of admission is found to be incorrect or that the candidate has been wrongly admitted due to any reason.
7. No candidate will be allowed to take up a job while pursuing a full-time programme. Those who are employed at the time of admission will be required to produce a certificate of leave / NOC from their employer within one month from the date of admission, failing which their admission will be canceled.
8. Candidate studying a regular full-time programme in USTM will not be allowed to take any other full-time programme simultaneously either from USTM or any other university / Institution. However, students may take Career Oriented Programmes of UGC, MOOCs programme, and Add On programme of USTM.
9. The University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya recognizes the degrees of all central universities, state universities, institutions of national importance, and reputed foreign universities provided their equivalence has been established by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). Besides, the university also recognizes certain qualifications in the form of degrees awarded in Distance Mode approved by MHRD/UGC/ DEB-AICTE


(i) Fees shall be accepted by the accounts section of the USTM in cash/DD/credit card/debit card.
(ii) All fees are payable in a lump sum at the time of admission. Course-wise Fees are shown in the prospectus.
(iii) Part payment is not allowed except in that programme, which has notified this facility in the prospectus.
(iv) Fee can be paid without Late Fee: Within 15 days from the date of commencement of the academic session or by the prescribed date, whichever is earlier.
(v) (With a Late Fee of Rs.500/) Within 10 days from the last date given on the programme Schedule
(vi) (With a Late Fee of Rs. 1000/) Within one month from the last date given on the Payment Schedule.
(vii) If the fee is not deposited within the time limit fixed at clause (v) and (vi) his / her name will be struck off from the rolls but he/she may only be re-admitted after getting permission from the Vice-Chancellor with an additional late fee of Rs. 2500/-.(two thousand & five hundred) only.
(viii) Additional fees for activities like educational tour/excursion/project work/field visit/camps etc. are to be borne by the students.
(ix The fee given on the website is only for the students admitted in the academic session 2025-26.
(xi) If the last date for payment of fees falls on a holiday, the fees shall be paid on the next working day without a fine.
(xii) Fee deposited through prescribed fee slip within due date (given on fee-slip) shall be accepted for the purpose of admission. No correspondence shall be entertained for refund/adjustment etc. if payment was not made on proper fee slip issued by the authorized office and/or within due date.

NOTE: All fees and charges, wherever given in the Prospectus, are subject to revision even during the commencement of a new academic session.

Refund Policy:

To withdraw admission, the student shall submit a written application to the Registrar of the University before the commencement of class. The following amount will be refunded based on the date of submission application as per the following schedule:

i. Before 15 days from commencement of Class 90%
ii. Up to 15 days from commencement of Class 80%
iii. After 15 days but before 30 days from commencement of Class 50%
iv. More than 30 days from commencement of Class Nil


NB: For detailed information, you can write us
admissionustm@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +91-8472930471

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