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Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Physics
Contact No : +91 97740 41771
Email : : harijaishi.ustm@gmail.com
PhD (Mizoram University)
M.Sc in Physics (Mizoram University)
Study of Radon and Thoron Anomalies as a Precursor to Earthquakes along MAT Fault in
Serchhip District.
Faculty Mentorship for Student Project on “Advanced Agricultural Drone for Pest
Control in Tea Gardens”. A prototype development project funded by NSTEDB-DST
(Govt. of India) and implemented by EDII Ahmedabad, vide letter no EDII/DSTNewGen IEDC/17-18/07 dated 15/06/2017. Project Duration: April 2021 to March
2022. Total Amount granted: Rs. 2,50,000/-
1. Application Number: 201831014505, dated 17.04.2018. Title: Time Series Analysis of
Soil Radon Data Using Multiple Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Network in
Seismic Precursory Studies. Status: Filed
2. Application Number: 202231061349, dated 28.10.2022. Title: Supercontinuum source by
living biosilica diatoms. Status: Published
1. Jaishi, H.P., Singh, S., Tiwari, R.P. and Tiwari, R.C., 2023. Analysis of Subsurface Soil
Radon with the Environmental Parameters and Its Relation with Seismic Events. Journal
of the Geological Society of India, 99(6), pp.847-858. IF: 1.3
2. Tiwari, R.C., Jaishi, H.P., Singh, S. and Tiwari, R.P., 2023. A study of soil radon and
seismicity along active fault region in northeastern India. Arab Journal of Geosciences,
16 (4), pp.1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-023-11341-0
3. Singh, S., Jaishi, H.P., Tiwari, R.P. and Tiwari, R.C., 2017. Time series analysis of soil
radon data using multiple linear regression and artificial neural network in seismic
precursory studies. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 174(7), pp.2793-2802. IF: 2.0.
4. Singh, S., Jaishi, H.P., Tiwari, R.P. and Tiwari, R.C., 2016. A study of variation in soil
gas concentration associated with earthquakes near Indo-Burma Subduction
zone. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 3(1), pp.1-8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40677-016-
5. Jaishi, H.P., Singh, S., Tiwari, R.P. and Tiwari, R.C., 2015. Soil-gas thoron
concentration associated with seismic activity. Chiang Mai J Sci, 42(4), pp.972-979. IF:
0.4 https://epg.science.cmu.ac.th/ejournal/journal-detail.php?id=6252
6. Singh, S., Prasad Jaishi, H., Prasad Tiwari, R. and Chandra Tiwari, R., 2014.
Variations of soil radon concentrations along Chite Fault in Aizawl district, Mizoram,
India. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 162(1-2), pp.73-77. IF: 1.0
7. Jaishi, H.P., Singh, S., Tiwari, R.P. and Tiwari, R.C., 2014. Analysis of soil radon data
in earthquake precursory studies. Annals of Geophysics, 57(5), pp.S0544-S0544. IF:
1.130. https://doi.org/10.4401/ag-6513
8. Jaishi, H.P., Singh, S., Tiwari, R.P. and Tiwari, R.C., 2014. Temporal variation of soil
radon and thoron concentrations in Mizoram (India), associated with
earthquakes. Natural hazards, 72(2), pp.443-454. IF: 3.7
9. Jaishi, H.P., Singh, S., Tiwari, R.P. and Tiwari, R.C., 2014. Correlation of radon
anomalies with seismic events along Mat fault in Serchhip District, Mizoram,
India. Applied radiation and isotopes, 86, pp.79-84. IF: 1.6.
10. Jaishi, H.P., Singh, S., Tiwari, R.P. and Tiwari, R.C., 2013. Radon and thoron
anomalies along Mat fault in Mizoram, India. Journal of earth system science, 122(6),
pp.1507-1513. IF: 1.9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12040-013-0361-4
1. Jaishi H.P., Singh S and Tiwari R.C. 2020. Seasonal Variation analysis of Soil Radon
Data. In: Radon: Detection, Exposure and Control. Ed. Ramesh Chandra Tiwari. NOVA
Science Publishers, NY,USA. pp-257-272. ISBN:978-1-53616-791-7.
2. Tiwari, R.C., Singh, S., Jaishi, H.P. and Tiwari, R.P., 2018. Analysis of Soil Gas and
Their Correlation with Seismic Events along Indo-Burmese Subduction Zone. In 24th
European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (Vol. 2018, No. 1, pp.
1-5). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-
3. Singh S., Jaishi H.P., Tiwari R.P. and Tiwari R.C., 2016. Variations of radon and
Thoron concentrations in soil with respect to climatic parameters in Mizoram. In: Basic
and Applied Physics Recent Advances. Narosa Publishing House, NewDelhi. pp131-
137; ISBN:978-81-8487-517-1.
4. Jaishi, H.P., Singh, S., Tiwari, R.C. and Tiwari, R.P., 2013. Temporal variation in
thoron concentration as a precursor to earthquakes along Mat Fault in Mizoram, India.
In Proceedings of the eighteenth national symposium on solid state nuclear track
detectors and their applications: abstracts.
1. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM) held
virtually during July19-24 2020, organized by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
2. CONDENSED MATTER DAYS-2016 (CMDAYS-2016), 29th-31st August, 2016. A
National Conference, Organised by Department of Physics, Mizoram University.
3. National Seminar on “Geology, Tectonics, Geo-Hazards & Natural Resources of
North East India” during 3rd-4th November, 2014, Organized by Dept. of Geology,
Pachhunga University College, Aizawl Mizoram.
4. 18th NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors and Their
Applications (SSNTDs-18), October 18-20, 2013. Organized by Faculty of Science
Aggarwal College Ballabgarh, Farizabad (Haryana), India.
5. 8th National Conference of the Physics Academy of North East (17th-19th December,
2012). Organized by Department of Physics, Mizoram University, Aizawl.
6. One day State level Seminar on Recent Advances in Radiation Physics, organized by
the Dept. of Physics, Mizoram University and UGC-DAE Centre for Scientific
Research (CSR), on 15th April 2011 at Mizoram University.